IQAC Composition
The Following Committee members are informed that the following revised Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has been formed for preparation and smooth functioning of National Assessment and Accreditation (NAAC) proposal/activity/AQAR. Kindly Co-operate.
Sr. No. | Name of the Faculty | Department/ Industry | Designation | IQAC Designation |
1 | Dr. Funne R. S. | — | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Shri.Kunalbhau Lahane | Secretory SSSSP Mandal | Institute Secretory | Member from Management |
3 | Dr.Munja Kavle | SS College Majalgaon | Vice Principal | Member from Alumni |
4 | Dr.Jagdish Shinde | Medical Practitioner | Doctor | Member from Local Society |
5 | Dr.Ganesh Bokare | .Nangath college Aundha | Asst. Professor | External Expert |
6 | Dr.Sambhaji Chothe | Godawari Agro Industry | Managing Director | Industrialist |
7 | Dr.Bharat Nirwal | Department of commerce | Asst. Professor | Co-Ordinator |
8 | Mr.T.F.Kale | Department of Sociology | Asst. Professor | Member |
9 | Dr.K.D.Yadav | Library | Librarian | Member |
10 | Dr.A.A.Solanke | Sport Department | DPE | Member |
11 | Dr.S.G.Rathod | Department of Pol. Sci. | Asst. Professor | Member |
12 | Dr.S.A.Jadhav | English Department | Asso. Professor | Member |
13 | Dr.Rupali Babre | Department of Zoology | Asst. Professor | Member |
14 | Mr.Arun Virkar | Dept of Chemistry | Asst. Professor | Member |
15 | Dr.Sharda Pawar | Office | Head Clerk | Member |
16 | Mr. R.P. Lingayat | Laboratory | Lab Asst. | Member |
17 | Ku.Pooja Dharme | — | Student | Student Representative |