
स्वामी रामानंद तीर्थ मराठवाडा विद्यापीठ नांदेडचा खोखो संघ पश्चिम विभागीय स्पर्धेचे आयोजन विक्रांत युनिव्हरसिटी ग्वालीयर या ठिकाणी झालेल्या स्पर्धेत आपल्या संघाने प्रथम क्रमांक प्राप्त केला आहे.
स्वामी रामानंद तीर्थ मराठवाडा विद्यापीठ नांदेडचा खोखो संघ पश्चिम विभागीय स्पर्धेचे आयोजन विक्रांत युनिव्हरसिटी ग्वालीयर या ठिकाणी झालेल्या स्पर्धेत आपल्या संघाने प्रथम क्रमांक प्राप्त केला

Hematology Activity
B.Sc. Second-year (S. E. C. Zoology) Students of Late Nitin College, Pathri visited to “Life Care Laboratory, Pathri” on 20th September 2023. A total of

National Organ Donation Day Program
National Organ Donation Day was held on 3rd August 2023 in Late Nitin College, Pathri by the Department of Zoology under the “Angadan Mohotsav” campaign.

Zoology Fish Market Visit
Visit to Fish Market, Pathri – Report The Department of Zoology organized a study tour (visit) at Pathri Fish Market on 12th October 2023. The

Math Seminar
Name of the Activity : Student Seminar Name of the organizing Department: Mathematics Date: 18/10/2023 The seminar was conducted in college by the department of

Coronation Ceremony of Shiva
On the Occasion of 350 Years of Coronation Ceremony of Shiva Department of History Organized Competitions. (1)Rangoli, (2) Poster, (3) Essay Writing.

Kabaddi Event felicitation
महाराष्ट्र राज्याचे पोलीस महासंचालक श्री विश्वास नागरे पाटील यांनी त्यांच्या गावाकडील राहत्या घरी पश्चिम विभागीय महिला कबड्डी स्पर्धेमध्ये विशेष प्राविण्य मिळाल्याबद्दल स्व. नितीन महाविद्यालयातील महिला

Central Zone Kabbadi tournament
Central Zone Kabbadi tournament Organized to Renukadevi College Mahur D Zone First price 9th Player are Selected to Late nitin College Pathri