Department of Botany
Teaching Staff
Sr. no | Name | Designation | Qualification | Date of joining |
1 | Dr. S. P. Gaikwad HOD | Assistant Professor | M.Sc. Ph.D. | 28/04/2016 | |
2 | Dr. M. D. Sonule | Assistant Professor | M.Sc. Ph.D. | 14/06/2023 |
Non-teaching Staff
Sr. no | Name | Designation | Qualification | Date of joining |
3 | Mr. R. P. Lingayat | Lab Assistant | B.A.GDC & A | 5/09/2009 |
4 | Mr. S. S. Chavan | Lab Attendant | B.A. | 16/06/2012 |
On completion of B.Sc. Botany program students will be specifically able to
- Prepare and view specimens for examination using light microscopy.
- Identify and classify the plants on the basis of morphological characters.
- Students learn to carry out practical work, in the field and in the laboratory, with minimal risk.
- Gain knowledge to assess plant diversity, its importance for society, health, safety, legal and environmental issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the biodiversity conservation.
- Understand the impact of the plant diversity in societal and environmental issues, and demonstrate the knowledge and need for sustainable development.
- Students will be able to identify the major groups of organisms with an emphasis on plants and be able to classify them within a phylogenetic framework.
- Students will be able to compare and contrast the characteristics of plants, algae, and fungi that differentiate them from each other and from other forms of life.
- Students will be able to explain how Plants function at the level of the gene, genome, cell, tissue, Flower development.
- Students will be able to give specific examples of the physiological adaptations, development, reproduction and mode of life cycle followed by different forms of plants.
- Students will be able to use plant tissue culture techniques and instrumentation related to it.
- Students will also acquire fundamental knowledge in Plant Science and also understand that Botany is an integral part of the human life and developments.
- Skill Enhancement Courses offered during third year of this program are being designed with the aim of imparting specific skills to the students which will lead to the self employment through development of their own enterprises.
- At the end of the curriculum, the student should have increased: an aptitude towards science and nature and also undertakes the fundamental and applied research in plant science in the benefit of the human and nature.
- This program will help the students for their career development.
- This program will provide updated curriculum with recent advances in the subject and enable the students to face NET, SET, UPSC and other competitive examinations successfully.
B.sc F.Y. Botany Semester Ist
Paper name and no.: Viruses, Bacteria, Algae, Fungi, Lichens and Mycorrhiza-I
After the successful completion of this course
- Students will recognize or identified diversity of lower cryptogams.
- Students will collect and study the samples from different location of algae, fungi, Bacteria and viruses and their diseases from local area.
- Students can recognize the morphology, anatomy, physiology, reproduction and life cycle pattern of lower cryptogams.
- Students will get identified with diversification of life forms from various ecological Niches.
- Learn the life cycles of individuals belonging to Fungi, Bacteria, Viruses, Lichens & Mycorrhiza.
Paper name and no.: plant Ecology Phytogeography and Environmental Biology – II
After the successful completion of this course
- Students are able to analyze various type of ecosystem and they can correlate different ecosystem
- Students will analyze types, causes and control measures of different type of pollution.
- Students can identify types of plants on basis of their habitat. They can identify them on the basis of adaption (Morphological and anatomical adaptation) & categories them in to respected plant groups.
- Students can identify biogeographical regions of India on the basis of flora.
B.sc F.Y. Botany Semester IInd
Paper name and no.: Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Paleobotany- III
After the successful completion of this course
- Students will recognize or identified diversity of cryptogams and phanerogams.
- Students will collect and study the samples from different location of Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms from local area.
- Students can recognize the morphology, anatomy, physiology, reproduction and life cycle pattern of cryptogams and phanerogams.
- Students will learn the process of fossilization and some members of fossils from Gymnosperms
Paper name and no.: Taxonomy of angiosperms –IV
After the successful completion of this course
- Students will learn the basic morphological characteristics of different plant under the different families.
- Students can learn the types of classifications artificial, natural and phylogenetic.
- Students can identify parts of plant.
- Students can identify major plant families and their economic importance.
B.sc. S.Y. BotanySemester IIIrd
Paper name and no.: Plant Anatomy- VI
After successful completion of this course, students will be able to
- To gain knowledge of plant cells, tissues and their functions.
- To know about plants anatomical structure, their developmental patterns.
- To identify and compare structural differences among different taxa of vascular plants.
- Students will acquire knowledge of anatomy of root, stem and leaf in dicot and monocot plants.
Paper name and no.: Plant Physiology – VII
After the successful completion of this course
- Students can understand different biophysilogical phenonmenos in plants.
- Students can understand the mechanism of translocation of water and food in plants.
- Students will learn about different types of plant movements.
- Students will learn about role of major and minor elements in plant life.
- Students will learn about role of plant growth harmones, seed dormancy, seed germination.
- Students can understand the role of biomolecules and secondary metabolites in plant life.
B.sc. S.Y. Botany Semester IV
Theory Paper- Plant Embryology VIII
After successful completion of this course,
- Students will be able to Know Plant reproductive parts development of male, female gametophytes and fruits.
- Students will be able to know the structure and development of monocot and dicot embryos.
- Compare the function and morphology of pollen grains.
- Demonstrate foundational knowledge in embryology of plants.
Paper name and no.: Plant metabolism and Biochemistry-IX
After the successful completion of this course
- Students can understand the process of photosynthesis and respiration in plants.
- Students can understand processes of enzyme action and Nitrogen metabolism in plants life
- Students can understand the tissue culture techniques and steps involved in genetic engineering.
- Students will learn different biological database and their application.
B.sc. T.Y. Botany
Semester V and VI
Paper name and no.: Cell biology, Genetics and Molecular biology –XII
After the successful completion of this course
- Students can understand types of cells, ultra structure of cells and cell organelles in plant cells.
- Students can understand the role of cell organelles in plant life.
- Students can differentiate between mitosis and Meiosis in plants.
- Students can understand the structure chemical composition and types of nucleic acids.
- Students can understand the processes of protein synthesis.
- Students can understand fine structure and concepts of genes.
- Students will study genetic disorders like PKU, AKU, Albinism and sickle cell anemia.
Paper name and no.: Plant Breeding and Biotechnology- XIV
- Students will be able to understand the morphology and structure and types of chromosomes.
- Students will learn about mechanism of sex determination in plants and animals.
- Students can understand various techniques of crop improvement Plant Breeding.
- Students will understand mendalian genetics and gene interaction.
- Students learn sex linkage, inheritances and genetics variation.
Semester V and VI
Paper name and no.: Plant pathology-XIII, XV
After the successful completion of this course
- Students will recognize or identified diversity of fungi belonging to the different classes.
- Students will collect and study the samples of different plant different plant diseases from different location from local area.
- Students will analyze types causes and control measures of different types of plant diseases.
- Students will learn cultivation of fungi for food, fermentation, SCP and other microbial products
- Students will learn the characteristics and their significances in human life.
- Students will group the different pathogen on the basis of symptoms appeared.
- Students can learn the mode of entry of pathogen.
- Students can learn the flora of Aerobiology.
Departmental Activities

World Conservation Day
29 July 2024 World Conservation Day-Tree plantation in college premises

World Ozone Day
16 September 2023 World Ozone Day – poster presentation in college premises

World Conservation Day
28 July 2023 World Conservation Day-Tree plantation in college premises.