Code of Conduct
- A student should carry his/her identity card while in
the campus Wherever he/she is asked by any teaching
or non-teaching staff member of the college.
- A student must be present in the class at least 75
percent of the college instructional Days.
- Any misuse, damage or loss of college property by a
student shall be considered a serious offence and it
will stand a legal punishment.
- Any incident behavior by male students towards
female students are a serious offence and shall be
dealt with legal action.
- Any indecent and rash behavior towards college staff
members shall be considered a punishable offence.
- It is obligatory on the part of every student to abide
by the rules and regulation made time-to-time.
- A student should place his/her difficulties, complaints
and demands through the prescribed channel and manner.
- A student must never provide any wrong information
to the college. Any such attempt shall be legally
- Ragging is a serious crime on the college campus and
it shall be legally dealt as per Government rules and regulations.
Teachers should handle the subjects assigned by the HOD and complete the syllabus in proper as well as produce good results.
- Mentor- Mentee system must be implemented effectively. ‘Teachers shall monitor the respective group of students who are attached to them.
- Assignment topics of each course must to be given in time to the students.
- Teachers must be good counsellor and facilitator and have responsibility to guide, Encourage and assist the students.
- Teachers should maintain decorum of both inside and outside the classroom and set a good example to the students.
- Teachers should carry out other academic, co-curricular and organization activities that may be assigned to them from time- to- time.
- Teachers are expected to be present in the college campus at least 10 minutes before the College beginning time.
- Teachers should remain in the college campus as per the guidelines of UGC.
- Teachers should sign the attendance register while reporting for duty.
- Non-Teaching staff working in the College office or departments should report for duty at least 30 minutes in advance
- Non-Teaching staff remain on Duty during College hours.
- Non-Teaching staff must always wear their identity cards during working hours.
- Non-Teaching Staff assigned to laboratories should keep the Labs clean.
- Any Loss or damage to any article in the Lab or Class room should be reported to the HOD in recovering immediately.
- Non-Teaching Staff working in the Lab shall maintain a stock register for all the articles, equipment’s, chemicals etc. It shall be submitted to the HOD and the Principal at the end of each semester and their signatures obtained.
- For articles damaged by the students a separate register should be maintained and if any money is collected item the student towards damages, as per the direction of the HOD, the amount shall be handed over to the College Accounts for deposit in the College account.
- Non-teaching staff will carry their duties as instructed by the authorities to them they are attached.
- Non-Teaching staff shall not leave the College campus without permission before the prescribed time table.
- Principal should conduct the meetings of the committee’s duty constituted by him for the development of the college.
- Coordinate and motivate the faculty as administrative authorities must be mandatory role of Principal.
- Principal shall also ensure quality assurance and he should be assisted by the Director/Coordinator IQAC.
- The principal should promote industry-institution interface for better employability of the students.
- Principal should involve faculty members at different levels for
various institutional activities
- Principal should closely monitor the class work as per the time-
table and the attendance with the Assistance of coordinators and other faculty-in-charges.
- Responsibility to observe various academic activities like conduct
of technical fests, Conferences, seminars, workshops etc.
- Principal should hold meetings of Heads of Departments to
analysis the development of Academic work, suggest active procedures to attain the desired academic outcome and Supervise a1l co-curricular activities.
- Efforts to guide after global well-being of staffs and students.