Department of Physical Education & Sports

- To create interest in students towards Sport.
- To motivate students to participate in various Sports tournament.
- To give scope to the sports abilities of students.
- To guide the students to select his / her game by his / her own physical abilities.
- To organize special coaching sessions to develop skills of sports.
- To organize Inter collegiate tournament of various sports at zone & central zone university level.
- To provide facilities to those students who participates in various sports tournaments.
- To develop & maintain sports grounds & courts of various games.
- To make the students aware about the changed rules & regulations of various sports.
- To honour and felicitate students for their achievements.
- To promote the spirit of certain qualities like sportsmanship, team spirit, patience, co operation and those other qualities of character and citizenship.
All the information, guidance, sports development & players facilities etc are provided by the sports advisory board for the players development in the college
Sports Advisory Board is as follows –
1 | Dr. R. S. Funne | Chairman |
2 | Mr. Ankush A. Solanke | Secretary |
3 | Dr. Bharat T. Nirwal | Member |
4 | Dr. S. G. Rathod | Member |
5 | Dr. Shital Gaikwad | Member |
Name of the Department : | Physical Education |
Year of establishment | 1998 (General) |
Names of Programs / Courses offered : | UG (B. A. General, B.Com, and B. Sc. General) |
Name of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments / units involved : | None |
Annual/Semester/Choice Based Credit System (program wise) : | Semester and CBCS . |
Participation of the department in the courses offered by other departments : | None |
Courses in collaboration with other universities, industries, foreign institutions, etc. : | None |
Details of courses / programs discontinued (if any) with reasons : | None |
Number of teaching posts
Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience and research under guidance
Name | Qualification | Designation | Specialization | No. of Years of Experience | Photo |
Mr. Ankush A. Solanke | MA.,M.P. Ed., M. Phil | Director of Physical Education & Sports | Volleyball , Kabadi, Athletics and Badminton | 20 Years | – |
PUBLICATION 2015-16 TO 2019-2020
Sr.No. | Title of the paper with page Nos | Journal name # with ISBN/ISSN No | Whether Journal is notified by UGC? # | Impact Factor, if any |
1 | Sport injuries | AIIRJ ISSN- 2349-638x | Yes | 4.574 |
2 | कब्बडी खेळाचा उदय व विकास एक अभ्यास | विद्यावार्ता ISSN 2319-9318 | Yes | 5.131 |
3 | Financial Management in Physical Education & Sports | Vidyawarta ISSN 2319-9318 | Yes | 5.131 |
4 | महात्मा गांधीजींचे तात्वीक विचार | Current Global Reviewer ISSN 2319-8648 | Yes | 7.139 |
5 | Impact of Sports on Environment | Olympics Down the Ages – 2020 ISSN 2349-68x | Yes | 5.707 |
6 | Skill Development through Physical Education for Youth | Think India ISSN 0971-1260 |
Orientation / Refresher Course/ ISTE – AICTE Sponsored STTP/SBP attended
Name of the Course/ Summer School | Place | Duration | Sponsoring Agency |
Orientation Course | UGC – ASC, Aurangabad | 10/10/2007 to 06/11/2007 | UGC |
Refresher Course Physical Education & Sports | UGC – ASC, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra | 09/03/2015 to 28/03/2015 | UGC |
Refresher Course | UGC – HRDC, Amravati | 25/02/019 to 19/03/2019 | UGC |
Refresher Course Physical Education & Sports | UGC – HRDC, Saurashtra University, Gujrat | 03/06/2019 to 15/06/2019 | UGC |
Appointments on Different Events as Manager/Coach/Umpire/Selector etc.
Appointment as a Team Manager:-
1. M.s. University Udaypur City Rajashthan, Yogasana | 2004 |
2. Tirunnavelli University Tamilnadu (Kho-Kho) | |
3. Pant Nagar Agiculture University, Uttarakhan, Cross Country- | 2010 |
4. M.D. University Rohtak. Hariyana, Cross Country – | 2011 |
5. Kalyani University Kolkatta, West bangal, Athletics – | 2013 |
6. Rajasthan University, Rajasthan Hand-ball – | 2014 |
7. West-Zone Kho-kho accommodation committee Nutan mahavidhyalay Selu | 2018 |
8. West-Zone Tournament Team Manager Shikar University, Seth Motilal PG college Jhun Jhuna (Rajasthan) |
Appointment as a Selector(SRTMU Nanded IUT/Ashwamedh):-
- I.C.T Volly-ball Competition organized by Sushiladevi Mahavidyalaya, Latur
- Cross-Country Tournament Organised by DSM College Parbhani.
- I.C.T. Hocky Tournament, Organised by “Adarsha College, Hingoli.
- Soft-ball Tournament, Organised by S.R.T.M. university, Nanded.
- Soft-ball Tournament, Organised by Shri. Shivaji College Parbhani.
- Athletics Tournament Organised by S.R.T.M. university, Nanded.
- Basket-ball Tournament, Organised by M.G. College, Ahamadpur.
- Criket Tournament, Organised Dayanand College, Latur.
- Taekwondo Tournament organized by Gramin arts’ Comm. Science college Vasant nagar Kotgual
‘C’ & ‘D’ Zone Appointment as a Selector/Official :-
- ‘D’ Zone Tournament Athletices (Men / Women ) Team Manager SRTMU Nanded. 2018
- ‘D’ Zone Tournament Volley-boll (Men) Organized by Late Nitin Mahavidhyalay Pathri –
- ‘D’ Zone Tournament Badminton Coach (Men) Organized by Shivaji College Parbhani. 2018
- ‘D’Zone Tournament ‘Cross-Country’ Official Inter-college Sharda college Parbhani 2017
- ‘D’Zone Athletics (Women) Inter-Zonal Tournament Team Manager SRTMU Nanded – 2017
- ‘D’Zone Volley-ball (Men/Women) Tournament at held ACS College Gangakhed Official Chairman – 2019
Organization of Tournaments/ competition (Organized by Nitin College Pathri)
- Ball-badminton
- Kabbadi & Volley-ball (‘C’ Zone) 2011-12
- Kabbadi & Volley-ball (‘C’ Zone) 2013-14
- Kabbadi & Volley –ball (‘C’ Zone) 2016-17
- Volley – ball (Men) ‘C’ Zone Coaching Camp 2017
- Kho-Kho (Men/Women) Tournament 2017-18
- Kabbadi Coaching Camp SRTMU Nanded (IUT) – 2017-18
Other Highlights –
- JCS at Ramesh Warpudkar College, Sonpeth
- JCS at K.K.M. College Manwat.
- JCS at Nutan College Selu.
- JCS at shivaji College, Parbhani.
- JCS at Saw. Kamaltai Jamkar Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Pabhani.
- JCS at Santa Janabai College, Gangakhed.
- JCS at Shada College, Parbhani.
- JCS at Shivaji Engineering College , Parbhani.
- CS at Late Nitin Arts & Sci.College Pathri. 2014-17
- ACS at Late Nitin Arts & Sci.College Pathri – 2017-18
B.p.ed. Practical Examiner (Internal/External)
- DSM College parbhani.
- Yashwant College, Nanded.
- DSM College Parbhani.
Outdoor Games
- Kabaddi
- Kho-Kho
- Volley ball
- Athletics
Indoor Games
- Yogasana
- Chess
- Weight Lifting
- Karate
SWOC analysis of the department and future plans:
Strength :
In addition to the formal methods, the greatest strength of the department has been the teacher-student intimate relationship that has kept the department alive. The students are obedient to their learning and they are skilled in different games and sports.
Weakness :
The socio-cultural background of the students, many of whom are first generation learners from poor and backward families, is a major drawback for the development of the department. The poverty of the students often leads to their malnutrition and poses hindrance in their physical development, which is a must for pursuing a career with Physical Education.
Opportunities :
However, the learners are always made aware of the wide scope for their future life and profession, Through sports and personality development.
Challenges :
To make the College secure a better position in Marathwada Region the General Degree Colleges, especially in the field of Games and Sports.
Future Plans :
To make a suitable play ground for all kinds of sports events.
To make a Gymnasium.
To introduce infrastructure for indoor games and sports.
To organise in larger number Inter College Athletic Meets and Other Sports Tournaments in the College.
- Special coaching for physical fitness.
- Extra sports coaching for sports.
- Well Sports Coaching
- Giving Information about importance of sports, services & future purposes sportsmanship & Physical Education for various.
- Play Ground Facility.
- T.A. & D.A. facility for Sports Tournament Players.
- Suitable Sports Kit for players.
- Various Sports Equipments.
- Indoor game facilities.
- Outdoor game sports facilities.
- Experts Guidance.
- Good record maintenance of the sport department
(Theoretical & Practical)
Period | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Remark |
Time | 06.00-07.00 | 07.00-08.30 | 10.00-01.00 | 03.30-04.30 | 05.00-05.45 | 05.45-06.30 | ||
Mon | Practice | Practice | Disciplin & Departmental Work | Sports Theory | Practice | Practice | ||
Tue | Practice | Practice | Disciplin & Departmental Work | Sports Theory | Practice | Practice | ||
Wed | Practice | Practice | Disciplin & Departmental Work | Sports Theory | Practice | Practice | ||
Thu | Practice | Practice | Disciplin & Departmental Work | Sports Theory | Practice | Practice | ||
Fri | Practice | Practice | Disciplin & Departmental Work | Sports Theory | Practice | Practice | ||
Sat | Practice | Practice | Disciplin & Departmental Work | Sports Theory | Practice | Practice |